Wasabi 2022/2023

Year: | 2026 |
Major: | Undecided |
Home Town: | Denver |
Player Bio
Pronouns: He him
Favorite Song: Sittin on the dock of the bay
Favorite type of throw and why: Forehand because I flick that shit
How many first graders do you think you could fight at once? (unarmed): At least 2
Favorite thing about the sport of Ultimate Frisbee: The clout
Greatest Regret: Having premarital sex
Least Favorite Freshman on the team, and why: Lincoln grench, he’s like 30
Why do you wish to attend Colorado College and how would the Block Plan serve your educational goals? (no more than 200 words): Small classes and a great community help me learn stuff
Who on the team do you think would be the best pirate and why: Cole Wenrich, he doesn’t give a fuck about society
What’s your biggest weakness: My hips
top five fruits: Banana bananan bananananana banabanaaannananananananananana