

We are Wasabi: Colorado College’s Men’s Ultimate Frisbee team, competitors in the Division III College Ultimate Frisbee division. In the past two seasons, we have traveled across the country to compete with other teams from across the nation. Our success has been rewarded in an invitation to the DIII National Championships. These resulted in 7th and 9th place titles among the 16 teams invited, despite notable injuries and roadblocks along the way. Our goal is to return to contend for the division national champions title in May of 2023.

Our season has already begun with two tournaments at which we placed 1st and 2nd with an overall record of 9 wins and 1 loss. Our performance in these games have led to us being currently ranked #1 in our division. While this is exciting news, this ranking means nothing if we cannot prove that we deserve it. We will continue to put in work to keep exceeding expectations throughout the season. 

Our roster is deep in both talent and character this year, giving us hope that we can return to perform better than our past two seasons. Combining this talent with our self belief, we are hard at work to improve our skills to prepare for each challenge we come across.


PhotoName YearMajorHome Town
Anders Anders Sophomore, 2025RocksSeattle Wa
Benny CarpBenny CarpSeniorOrganismal Biology and EcologyDenver Colorado
Charlie OjeCharlie Oje2026UndecidedDenver
Coach Ben Coach Ben 2011BiologyCedar Rapids, IA
Coach Jimmy DCoach Jimmy DCoach-Michigan
Coach Ryan BenitezCoach Ryan BenitezAssistant Coach/2012Actuary: Majored in Math & Stats at University of South CarolinaSouth Carolina
Cole WennrichCole WennrichFreshman 2026UndecidedBethlehem, New Hampshire
Conrad AndersonConrad Anderson2026Undeclared Freeport, Maine
Cooper QuatrochCooper QuatrochFreshmanEconDenver Colorado
Daon HatzigiannisDaon HatzigiannissophomorephysicsJ.O.B. (Andover Mass, Just Outside of Boston, use whichever u like)
Eliot Eliot 2025philosophy//music idrk where we atBerkeley, CA
Ethan WobusEthan WobusFreshman Class of 2026Chemistry Questioning, Pre-MedBoulder Colorado
Fremont Fremont 2024Computer science Saint Paul, Minnesota
Gordon ClarkGordon Clark2023Environmental Studies Johnson, Vermont
Graham McWeenyGraham McWeenyFreshmen/2026UndecidedPiedmont, California
Jack Jack 2026Neuroscience?Seattle
Leo Leo Freshman/2026Environmental scienceLexington, Massachusetts
Lev Sugerman-BrozanLev Sugerman-BrozanFirst Year/2026Mathematics Boston, MA
Lincoln GrenchLincoln GrenchSenior, 2023MusicSt. Louis, Missouri
Matan FieldsMatan FieldsFreshman/2026Can't decide - something good (film) Northampton, Massachusetts
Miles KatzenMiles Katzen2026, freshmanUndecidedNew Orleans, Louisiana
Nicky ShapiroNicky ShapiroJunior EV chemMaine
Oliver KraftOliver KraftSeniorEconomicsCape Elizabeth Maine
Oliver van LinderOliver van Linder2026OBE or Physics but I’m not sureBerkeley CA
Quinn Quinn 2023BiochemistryChicago
Sam DavisSam DavisSeniorEnglish Creative WritingCharlotte, NC
Satya AdvaniSatya AdvaniJuniorOrganismal Biology and EcologySeattle Area
Sean Sean 2024PhilosophyBaltimore, Maryland
Simon BroanSimon Broan2023Film and Media StudiesMinneapolis
Tanner FlaggTanner Flagg2025Computer ScienceLafayette, CA
Thomas NielsenThomas NielsenFreshman, class of 2022UndeclaredWellesley, MA
Tobin Tobin 2026Undeclared: International Political EconomyMinneapolis MN
Walker ThompsonWalker ThompsonFirst year/2026RocksBerkeley, CA
Will GormanWill GormanJunior/2024SociologyMaryland
Will WallaceWill WallaceJunior/2024PhysicsColorado